Upcoming Web Series And Movies On HBO In July 2020

Nitin Sirsat
3 Min Read

HBO is a premier destination for shows and movies for the global audience. The streaming platform has touted ‘content as king’ long before other platforms like Netflix, Hotstar, and others were around. Today, HBO is back in the race to challenge other streaming platforms with new shows, and movies in July. Check out the latest offerings from the platform below.

Upcoming Movies on HBO July 2020

Superman Movie Collection

Are you a big fan of the Superman comic? Which Superman movies do you like the best? HBO is bringing you the entire Superman movie collection, starting from the original made in 1978. Most may visit Superman 3 as it probably had the best graphics. However, if you are a big fan of the comic, and have not seen the original – you must try this out. The original one captures the innocent and do-good spirit of Superman perfectly. Also seeing him fly for the first time is a spectacle not to be missed!

Kill Bill Saga

HBO will be coming up with Kill Bill Saga, a Tarantino classic with action, and thrill waiting at every turn. The Kill Bill series has achieved iconic status, thanks to its amazing female-led action, and superb storytelling. HBO will offer volumes 1, and 2 during July for its global audience in July.


During this lockdown, horror is perhaps not the wisest choice to turn on. However, hey then who are we kidding? When is horror ever the right choice anyway? So, if you are up for it – Conjuring, one of the most iconic and unsettling horror theatric experiences in recent times will make its way on HBO. If you are looking for a little wake me up call, turn off the lights, and test your nerves this weekend.

Dumb & Dumber

Are you looking to have some fun with family members this weekend?  Dumb and Dumber is a classic gem, starring Jim Carry, one of the best Hollywood comedians in recent times. The film is a journey of two absolute idiots, who chase a lady in distress and end up getting involved with a criminal gang.

A Few Others

Apart from some classic titles mentioned above, HBO Max will also release several other movies, and shows including American History X, several comic series involving Batman, and Superman, Beautiful Creatures, and much more.

Hello, I am Nitin Sirsat stay in Pune, India with my loving family. I love to read, travel and sports. I have been thinking about web series reviews for the past 1 years and now finally all is set to start my Web Series Reviews Blog. Offers you a detailed review of all the new web series so that you can save your time for hunting a good one.
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