1.5 Special operations Season 2 is an Indian thriller television series created by Neeraj Chopra and co-managed by Shivam Nair. Kay Kay Menon, a well-known actress, takes the major part in the series, portraying a complex character tasked with identifying the mastermind behind a number of terrorist acts in the country. He portrays Himmat Singh, a covert agent who serves as the lead officer of a special task unit.
Special Ops 1.5 Season 2 Cast
• Aftab Shivdasani appears in the trailer as Himmat Singh’s partner, alongside famous actor Aadil Khan
• Vinay Pathak appears in the trailer as Abbas Shiekh
• Parmeet Sethi appears as an investigator in the show
• KP Mukherjee appears as an investigator who investigates Himmat Singh’s life
• Muzamil Ibrahim appears as a character named Avinash
Special Ops 1.5 Season 2 Story
The genesis narrative delves into the primary character’s youth and the experiences that turned him into the stoic Special Ops officer who investigates terror acts. Menon is assigned to work alongside Shivdasani on an inquiry that would take them beyond Indian borders and will eventually define his position as an officer.
The first season of Special Ops premiered on OTT platforms in 2020, prior to the country’s lockdown. And it has grown in popularity and profitability as one of the most fascinating Hindi online programs. Himmat Singh’s portrayal as a true agent, together with Kay Kay Menon’s efforts, was a huge success in garnering the viewers’ affection and interest. Himmat Singh dominated the first season with his eloquent speeches and astounding portrayal of a RAW agent.
In the second season, which is promised to be more thrilling, Himmat Singh will encounter new adversaries in the form of terrorists with whom he must handle as a RAW agent. The second season will be significantly more thrilling and entertaining to watch.
Special Ops 1.5 Season 2 Trailer
Special Ops 1.5 Season 2 Release Date
Special Ops 1.5 is planned to launch on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar on 12 November. Special Ops 1.5’s crunchy trailer, which runs for 25 seconds, was released earlier this month on 14 October, and the official trailer, which runs for 12 minutes, was released on 19 October 2021. The teaser has amassed a large number of views and has already piqued fans. The three-episode series is set for a premiere on November 12 on the online streaming platform Disney+ Hotstar.