Pooja Bhatt will also be seen in a web series ‘Bombay Begums’ in the lead role. This web series is directed by Alankrita Srivastava for the OTT platform Netflix.
Bombay Begums Series Story
It has also been said in the reports that the shooting of this Bombay Begums web series is over. Now its post-production is in progress. The story of this web series goes into detail about the lives of five urban women. These women are of different ages and generations, who duel with their desires, morals, weaknesses and their own fears.
Bombay Begums Series Cast
- Amrita Subhash
- Plabita Borthakur
- Shahana Goswami
- Pooja Bhatt
- Ivanka Das
- Rahul Bose
- Manish Choudhary
- Rituraj Singh
The web series will also star Amrita Subhash, Plabita Borthakur and Shahana Goswami in lead roles alongside Pooja Bhatt. The name of the fifth actress is Ivanka Das. Rahul Bose, Manish Choudhary and Rituraj Singh will also play important roles in this web series.
The story of this series has been written by Alankrita Shrivastava and is also producing himself. He started his direction in November last year, which has finished at the end of last month.
Bombay Begums allegedly went on floors in November 2020 and was wrapped up a month ago with a late 2020 discharge plan on Netflix. Alankrita, in the interim, is preparing for the UK Asian Film Festival debut of her element film Dolly Kitty Aur Woh Chamakte Sitare at this month-end and will start the shooting of Amazon’s Made In Heaven Season 2 one month from now. She is likewise accepted to be taking a shot at three more component film extends that will be reported in no time.
Bombay Begums Series Release Date
The Bombay Begums web series allegedly went on floors in November 2020 and was wrapped up a month ago with a late 2020 discharge plan on Netflix.