Sword art online is an anime series, an adaptation of the same title written by Reki Kawahara. The story, directed by Manabu Ono, will uncover the Alicization Arc and promises to relieve their glory with the beginning, reunion, among other chapters.
The series will take place after the story covered in the Sword Art Online movie. However, it will embed some key elements from the movie. The first series released in October, 2018 with a worldwide premiere. Moreover, the English version was available for the second season on Adult Swim.
Sword art online season 4 Cast
- Kirito. Bryce Papenbrook.
- Lisbeth. Sarah Anne Williams.
- Yuna. / Ryan Bartley.
- Asuna. Cherami Leigh.
- Sinon. Michelle Ruff.
- Eiji. / Chris Patton.
- Yui.
- Klein. Kirk Thornton.
Sword art online season 4 Plot
The story will likely take-off from the third installment of the series, wherein inside a VR environment, Kirito spent his days as a child. His friends Eugeo, and Alice helped his loneliness with an adventure in the caves as they often skirted the boundaries of the Dark Territory. On one of their adventure, Alice tripped her leg and fell into the dark territory, wherein she was sentenced to execution by the Integrity Knights. Kirito did his best to avert the tragedy, however only to wake up motionless in the real world soon after.
Sword art online season 4 Trailer
The official trailer of season 4 released on the 3rd of April, 2020. If you are craving for an emotional, impactful anime adventure, you should definitely check the trailer out. The trailer speaks of Alice’s torment, her sacrifice, and her story as a friend. The trailer will likely provide the much-needed wake-up call for viewers to wait eagerly for season 4.
Sword art online season 4 Release Date
There has been no official announcement for Sword Art Online Season 4. However, there is good news for eager fans. The 3rd season of the series was launched on October 7, 2018, and ran until March 2019. The Sword Art Online Series Season 4 might get released around mid of 20, October 2020.
Author: Reki Kawahara
Released: December 31, 2013
Creator: Reki Kawahara
Characters: Kirito, Asuna, Sinon, Eugeo, Alice Zuberg, Nobuyuki Sugō, Klein
Genres: Adventure fiction, Science Fiction