Zee5 recently dropped a teaser from the original film Barot House, starring Amit Sadh and Manjari Fadnis. Sadh is shown as a family man, who likes to spend time with his wife and children. These happy scenes are interspersed with scenes of him running anxiously through an empty house. In the end, he opened the door and what he saw made him scream.
Directed by Bugs Bhargava, Barot House was written by Sanjeev K Jha, who has also written the upcoming Sidharth Malhotra and upcoming Parineeti Chopra, Jabariya Jodi. Filming for this film took place on June 16, 2019 in a remote location in Daman, Gujarat. Produced by Ten Years Younger Production LLP, Dhirajj Walks of Art Pvt and New Born Films LLP, the film adds the original ZEE5 content library and is scheduled for release on August 7, 2019.